road bridge design
On an international level, our focus in on designing bicycle and pedestrian bridges and infrastructure. However, in the Netherlands and surrounding countries, we also design a lot of road bridges. Ranging from 30+ bridges for a new stretch of motorway to a single iconic public transport bridge in the heart of a city. Like any other ipv Delft bridge design, our road bridges can be characterised as slender, structurally efiicient, appealing to the eye and befitting its context.
movable bridges
Our integrated design approach applies especially well to movable bridges. Technical solutions and design must go hand in hand to create a movable bridge that both functions well and looks amazing. The location as well as the desired appearance for a large part dictate the choice of movable bridge type. Each type offers its own challenges and possibilities. The New Witter Bridge, the Rijswijk swing bridge and our standardised movable bridge system called The Dutch Bridge for instance all have a different working mechanism, thus illustrating (part of) the range of options available.
lighting design
As a full service design office, we also have our own inhouse lighting designers. This allows us to integrate lighting design into our bridge designs, ensuring the light fixtures for instance do not take away from the overall design.
urban and landscape design
Another area of expertise is the design of urban spaces such as town squares, inner city areas of high streets. Here, we are full service as well, with designs ranging from landscape designs to the design of street furniture. More info on this part of our work load can be found in Dutch on our Dutch website: www.ipvdelft.nl
more information?

call Chris Wattel:
0031 15 750 25 79
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