ipv Delft

creative engineers

We are a Dutch bridge design and engineering office, specialising in bicycle bridges and cycling infrastructure.

The Hovenring is one of our best known projects, but we have done much more!

Explore our website or contact us straight away.


please feel free to contact us:
telephone +31 (0) 15 750 25 75
email  info@ipvdelft.nl

who we are

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ipv Delft is one of the leading bridge design and engineering offices in the Netherlands. Over the past twenty years, we have designed and completed hundreds of pedestrian, bicycle and road bridges all over the country. With a growing number of international projects, we are now focusing on building well-designed cycling infrastructure around the globe. Our extensive knowledge and integrated design approach are what sets us apart, as well as our elegant, logical en cost effective solutions.

what we do

Our main focus is on the design and engineering of bicycle (and pedestrian) bridges and the cycling infrastructure they are part of. Our integrated design approach means that we’re taking into account the larger picture, i.e. context, users, technical requirements, the clients brief and possible ways to optimize the added value of the project. Design wise, we always aim for timeless quality, clean lines and structural efficiency.

our expertise

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As designers and engineers, we know all about bridges: building materials, bridge types, production methods, structural design, conservation, building regulations, cost reduction, placemaking et cetera. As we have worked on many complex and large-scale projects over the years, we also have extensive expertise in creating public support and stakeholder involvement.

Both feasibility and design studies as well as consultancy on the design and implementation of cycling infrastructure are part of our portfolio as well.

mine rail bridges completed

The three mine rail bridges we designed for the Dutch town of Heerlen have been completed! These unique bridges tell the story of the local mining history and are part of the recreational cycling route called Parkstadroute, which takes cyclists on an enjoyable journey along the local gems and through the beautiful landscape of this southern part of the country.

contractor selected for railway underpass

A contractor has been selected for the Heerhugowaard railway underpass Zuidtangent. Hegeman Bouw & Infra will team up with Mobilis to build the new underpass. Construction is set to start soon.

observations towers seeking location!

In close collaboration with the talented Seoul based architect Saul Kim, we recently designed a series of sculptural observation tower concepts: three proper observation towers and one bridge/observation tower. Each interesting structures with a height of around 12 to 15 metres.

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