latest news

in memoriam

Adriaan Kok has contributed a great deal to ipv Delft. Both as designer and ambassador. Always willing to participate and bursting with creativity and out-of-the-box ideas.

Dutch Bridge construction kit to be shipped to Colombia

A construction kit version of our Dutch Bridge standard movable bridge is currently being put together. Sometime this year it will be shipped to Colombia where it will be assembled. All steel elements of the movable bridge fit into three shipping containers.

mine rail bridges completed

The three mine rail bridges we designed for the Dutch town of Heerlen have been completed! These unique bridges tell the story of the local mining history and are part of the recreational cycling route called Parkstadroute, which takes cyclists on an enjoyable journey along the local gems and through the beautiful landscape of this southern part of the country.

contractor selected for railway underpass

A contractor has been selected for the Heerhugowaard railway underpass Zuidtangent. Hegeman Bouw & Infra will team up with Mobilis to build the new underpass. Construction is set to start soon.

observations towers seeking location!

In close collaboration with the talented Seoul based architect Saul Kim, we recently designed a series of sculptural observation tower concepts: three proper observation towers and one bridge/observation tower. Each interesting structures with a height of around 12 to 15 metres.

new download: bridge construction cost reference book

Are you curious to find out how much it costs to construct a bridge? We’ve gathered construction cost data for 70 of our bridges and put them in a handy reference book, by category and in ascending order of cost.
This latest publication is now available! Download it for free by simply leaving your name and e-mail

landmark movable bridge completed

The iconic Michiel de Ruyter Bridge has been completed! This movable bridge has many faces and will in future be the main entrance to the Zeeheldenwijk housing development in the Dutch village of Urk. When opened, tower and counterweight resemble the shape of a netting needle, which refers to the main characteristic of the fishing village.

design study for replacement of 40+ Belgian bridges

The Flemish government selected around 40 bridges that they want to have replaced by 2030. A consortium of Arcadis, SBE and Tractebel was recently commissioned to prepare this large-scale replacement operation. The consortium has asked ipv Delft to help them create a manual outlining the desired design quality for the new bridges.

architectural design for interchange Brussels

The SPI.R0 consortium, in which Belgian contractors Jan De Nul and Willemen Infra join forces, has been appointed as the bidder of preference for the large-scale refurbishment of the R0xA201 motorway interchange in Brussels. Within the project, we are responsible for the architectural design of all infrastructural structures, such as bridges and bicycle underpasses.

final design Zwolle train station footbridge completed

An attractive public park, 130 by 10 meters in size, located right above the railway tracks, with a unique fully timber bridge deck. In a nutshell, that’s the sustainable and green footbridge at Zwolle train station. It is with pride that ipv Delft, Karres en Brands (coordinating architect) and German Ingenieurbüro Miebach now present the final design.

standard movable bridge design HollandseBrug, design by ipvDelft

new download: the Dutch Bridge brochure

We recently posted a new download: a brochure dedicated to our system of standardised movable bridges, The Dutch Bridge. This all-in-one solution for well-designed movable bridges significantly simplifies and speeds up both the initiation and building process, reducing building time and building costs.

Footbridge Conference 2022

This Wednesday to Friday we will be attending the Footbridge Conference in Madrid. Two of our designers will share our expertise during two consecutive lectures.

latest brochure: feasibility studies

If you are interested in feasibility and/or design studies, then our latest publication might be what you are looking for: the feasibility and design studies brochure. It features several project for which we have performed such a study or quick-scan and tells you more about what to expect.

Hovenring’s 10 year anniversary

The Hovenring’s official opening was on June 29th 2012… That’s ten years ago! To commemorate that day and to celebrate the international success of the project, we’re reposting an interview with one of the designers involved: Adriaan Kok.

we’re on the Footbridge Awards shortlist!

We are very proud to announce that three of our projects have been shortlisted for the Footbridge Awards! One of them is the long span Nigtevecht bicycle bridge.

contractor picked for Brussels L50 footbridges

In Brussels, the Belgian construction company Franki Construct, part of the Willemen Groep, has been commissioned the build of the two pedestrian bridges across the L50 railway line north of town. In the months ahead, the final engineering of the design will take place.


parametric design software: we love it

We’ve made a video on how we use parametric design software to optimise our designs. Curious? Come and have a look…

European Steel Desgin Award for Zwolle public transport bridge

The Zwolle public transport bridge has been awarded the Special Bridge Award at the European Steel Design Awards 2021! It is the fourth award this project has received, and for ipv Delft it’s the cherry on top of our 25-year anniversary cake. The ESDA’s are given by the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) every two years to encourage the creative and outstanding use of steel in architecture.

25 years of ipv Delft

Exactly 25 years ago today, ipv Delft was born. We have had twentyfive inspiring years, in which were able to deepen our knowledge and expertise and completed many wonderful projects.

LA River view from N. Main Street towards north

LA River project continues

Our work for the LA River bike path gap closure project has now entered the next phase. We have started working on the preliminary designs for all built structures necessary along the 8-mile stretch of new bicycle path. This includes elevated bicycle paths, underpasses and bridges. The project is located in LA’s most densely built-up area. Existing rail and road infrastructure limits available space and offers massive challenges.

We have been commissioned by Jacobs Engineering Group, who together with Alta Planning + Design, have been appointed by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to deliver on the new bike path.  

Perth bridges in contract procurement phase

The Western Australian government is currently looking at local companies’ expressions of interest for the final design and construction alliance contract procurement for the Swan River bridges in Perth. Shortlisted proponents will be invited to submit a request for proposals in about two months time. Our design for the two bicycle and pedestrian bridges was inspired by local history and culture.

Tegenbosch bridge completed

With all the lights installed and properly adjusted, the Tegenbosch bicycle bridge has now officially been completed. The network arch bridge with a 130 meter main span has been well received by cyclists.

slender network arch bridge nearing completion

On the edge of the Dutch city of Eindhoven, this landmark bicycle bridge is nearing completion. The 160-metre long network arch bridge across the A2 motorway will be opened officially in mid-November, but cyclists and pedestrians will be able to start using it this friday.

Perth reveals inital design Swan River bicycle bridge

The Western Australian Government has announced that a new bicycle and pedestrian connection will be built across the Swan River in Perth. We made the initial design for this, comprising of two iconic cable-stayed bridges. The new connection will gravely improve traffic flow and allows cyclists and pedestrians to safely cross the Swan River. Read more about it on our project page.

German engineering award

On September 24th all partners involved in the Zwolle public transport bridge project were awarded the Thüringer Staatpreis für Ingenieurleistungen 2019. The biannual German engineering award consists of 15000 euro. We designed the S-shaped bridge for Zwolle city council and Dutch railway infrastructure organisation ProRail. The awarded parties are Koninklijke BAM, Setzpfandt, ProRail, Zwolle and ipv Delft.


contemporary movable bridge completed

The Emmeloord movable bridge has recently been completed. We are very proud of the fact that it has turned out exactly the way we intended it to: contemporary and clean. All machinery and technical installations are fully integrated, allowing the bridge to have a clear and clean appearance. The bridge design is an architectural take on our system of standard movable bridges, The Dutch Bridge and was designed specifically for this client and location.

Kalvervaard bridge, member of bridge family Noordwaard, design by ipv Delft

Landezine Award for depoldering Noordwaard project

The Depoldering Noordwaard project has been awarded with the Landezine International Landscape Award in the Infrastructure category! In collaboration with West8 architects we designed all 30+ bridges for this interesting project, as well as 10+ pumping stations. The award ceremony will be on September 20th in Geneva.

ipv Delft on

US based media company Forbes has picked up on our publication about the Zwolle public transport bridge. Transport and infrastructure journalist Carlton Reid wrote an interesting article on both the Zwolle bridge and various other ipv Delft projects. Outstanding free publicity for us! And a good read for anyone interested in infrastructure and bridge design.


feasibility study Causeway Bridge, Perth

The Western Australia Department of Transport has recently appointed us designated architect for the feasibility study of a new bicycle and pedestrian bridge across the Swan River in Perth. The existing Causeway Bridge will in future altered to allow more traffic as well as public transport, leaving no room for cyclists and pedestrians. Cyclists and pedestrians will however have to be able to cross the river and Heirisson Island once the Causeway bridge has been adapted. The feasibility study will therefore focus on building a new bicycle and pedestrian bridge in the vicinity of the existing Causeway bridge.
Next week two of our senior designers will be heading off to Perth for the kick-off week. Engineering office WSP is our Australian partner in this project.


Neckarbrücke Heidelberg

For a competition in Heidelberg we designed a bicycle connection spanning the river Neckar and two adjoining roads. The design comprises a continuous hovering ribbon over 500 meters in length. It features three arches that gently mirror the Odenwald mountains and form a gateway to the city of Heidelberg. With separate lanes for cyclists and pedestrians and a maximum slope of 3 %, the bridge offers both safety and comfort to all users.

For more info on the design, check out the the project page.

Canada and US tour

Adriaan Kok has recently been on a tour in the US and Canada, promoting our expertise and sharing insights and advice on bicycle infrastructure. Among the cities visited were Indianapolis, Saint Louis, Boston, Toronto and Richmond to name a few. Field trips such as these were also part of the programme. Want to know more about Adriaan and his vision? Check out our interview about the design of the Hovenring.

the story behind the Nigtevecht bridge

As much as pictures can tell a story, there is more to say about the Nigtevecht bicycle bridge project than pictures and basic data can show. That’s why we have asked Diane Daniel to interview senior designer Ivo Mulders on how the project came about. You can read the interview on the project page.

bicycle bridge in conrete N274 Onderbanken

landmark bicycle bridge completed

The N274 bicycle bridge near the village of Schinveld in the Netherlands has officially been opened. The result of a collaboration with renowned Dutch artist Marijke de Goey marks the northern entrance to the Parkstad area in the southern province of Limburg. The entire structure is in cast-in-situ concrete.

Swing bridge Rijswijk, bridge design by ipv Delft, side view by night

designer tells all… interview with Johan Büdgen

American journalist Diane Daniels has interviewed some of our senior designers about the iconic bridges they have recently designed and seen completed. The first of those interviews has now been published right here on our website. It’s focus is on the Rijswijk swing bridge and you can find it on the project page.

bycicle roundabout Eindhoven, Hovenring, innovative bridge design by ipv Delft

ipv Delft on the road

Senior designer and project leader Adriaan Kok is currently overseas, touring the US and Canada. Until the end of January, he will be sharing our expertise, having discussions about bicycle infrastructure, placemaking and bridge design and interacting with a wide variety of professionals ranging from top-level management, architects and bridge designers to bicycle advocates.
The tour includes visits to Marin, Oakland, Indianapolis, Saint Louis, Richmond and Boston and concludes in Toronto, Canada.

project videos online

Want to see more of our projects? We have now added a videos page to our website. It contains all our project videos and can be found here. Enjoy!


Europalaan Bridge completed

The Europalaan bridge in Beek near the Dutch city of Maastricht has recently been completed. The 54 meters long steel bicycle bridge is slender and sleek and meanders through the landscape like a silvery white snake. More info and pictures on the project page.  

Nigtevecht bicycle bridge in situ concrete long slopes

Nigtevecht video online

We have asked Beeldtaal film makers to capture the Nigtevecht bicycle bridge on video. The result is now online and can be watched here:

LA River bike path gap closure project Jacobs Alta ipv Delft Metro

commissioned for LA River project

We have been commissioned by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to develop the architectural design of all bridges required for the LA River Bike Path Gap Closure project. Jacobs Engineering Group and Alta Planning + Design will deliver the project in collaboration with us! We will design all bridge-like structures needed along the new bicycle path.

The Los Angeles River Bike Path Gap Closure Project entails design and construction of a bike path along an eight-mile stretch of the Los Angeles River (River) from Elysian Valley through Downtown Los Angeles to the City of Vernon, closing the longest remaining continuous gap in the Los Angeles River Bike Path.

The project will enhance mobility, provide commute options and access to employment hubs and high-quality transit lines, and provide a safer, more comfortable environment for people biking and walking. When completed, the LA River Path will offer a 32-mile continuous active transportation corridor connecting Long Beach to the San Fernando Valley.

The project is one of the city’s 28 infrastructure projects to be completed before the 2028 Olympics. It is scheduled to break ground in 2023 and complete in 2027.

aerial photo Nigtevecht bicycle bridge steel arch bridge concrete slopes

Nigtevecht Bridge completed

The impressive Nigtevecht bicycle bridge has been completed and is now in use. On September 7th, the entire project (which also entails a wildlife connection) will be officially opened. We are very pleased with the final result, as are all parties involved. Check out the latest pictures and find out more about the project by visiting our project page.

bridge design Taichung bridge, visualisation, design by ipv Delft

VeloCity 2018: meet you there!

Our very own senior designer and project leader Ivo Mulders will be speaking at the 2018 VeloCity conference in Brazil next month. The conference itself will be held from June 12th until June 15th, Ivo’s lecture is scheduled for the first day at 14:00 (Infrastructure – Small vs Big City Design). It’s a jam-packed programme, and a must for all of you involved in bicycle infrastructure. Plus, it’s a great chance to catch up or meet with Ivo…  See you there!

ipv Delft goes international

It’s official: we now have an international branch, ipv Delft international! The new branch will make it easier for us and our international clients to work together the world over. And yes, ipv Delft international is open for business, so do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in working with us on creating great-looking, well-functioning bicycle bridges or infrastructure!

nearing completion: 35 road bridges

One of our largest infrastructural projects is well on its way to completion: the 35 (!) road bridges, overpasses and wildlife crossings plus the noise barriers we designed for the new 26 km long motorway in the Buitenring Parkstad area in the most Southern part of the Netherlands. Images and more information on our project page!

elevation slender bicycle bridge Nigtevecht design ipv Delft

Nigtevecht bicycle bridge enters final stage

The build of Nigtevecht bicycle bridge is nearing its final stages. Last weekend, the steel arch bridge spanning 104 meter was put into place during a spectacular  night time event. The concrete approach spans have been constructed over the past year and the bridge is now set to be completed this summer. For more info or photos, visit the project page. A video of the night time event can be found on the building contractors Facebook page.

arch bridge for Eindhoven

In order to increase traffic flow on and around both the A2 and N2 road in Eindhoven, the city council asked us to design a bicycle bridge across the motorway. We first did a feasibility and design study. This led to the final design, which is set to be built in the near future. Integrated lighting is part of the design of this slender steel bridge with a 5 meter wide two-way bicycle lane.

slender bycicle fastlane, steel support, design by ipv Deflt

all set to go: slender steel bicycle bridge

A contractor has been assigned for the construction of the 54 m bicycle bridge we designed for Beek. The bridge is part of a bicycle fast lane, which aims to offer cyclists a fast and safe route between the cities of Sittard and Maastricht. The steel bridge is very slender, which also goes for its two steel supports. For more info visit our project page.

Hovenring Cycle pylon bridge Eindhoven, bridge design by ipv Delft

touring Australia

Senior designer and project manager Adriaan Kok is currently on a tour across Australia, where he has already met local government, large engineering firms, cycling advocates and other parties involved with bicycle infrastructure in the Perth area. He is currently in Melbourne, doing the same and will then go on towards Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane.
The West Australian recently published an article, which you can read here.

bridge across railway, modern slender bridge design by ipv Delft

Waalhaven Bridge highly commended

We are very proud and pleased to tell you that our Waalhaven Bridge has been highly commended at the Footbridge Awards 2017 yesterday! Curious about this project? Check it out here.

bycicle roundabout Eindhoven, Hovenring, innovative bridge design by ipv Delft

meet us in Australia!

Our very own Adriaan Kok will be a speaker at the 8th Australian Small Bridges Conference in November! Check out the accepted abstracts for this interesting conference. Perhaps we will meet you there…

bridge across railway, modern slender bridge design by ipv Delft

two projects on shortlist Footbridge Awards!

Two of our projects have been shortlisted for the Footbridge Awards 2017: Waalhaven footbridge and the movable bridge we designed for Rijswijk. The winner will be announced on the first day of the Footbridge 2017 conference in Berlin at the beginning of September.

Hovenring Eindhoven cyclebridge, circle shaped bridge above highway, design of the bridge by ipv Delft

ipv Delft at Velo-city 2017 – June 13-16

For those interested in bicycle infrastructure and bicycle related policy and design, the international Velo-city conference is a must. Next week, the Dutch cities of Arnhem and Nijmegen are hosting Velo-city 2017. Of course, ipv Delft is there! We are hosting a CROW-session called Meet the makers, focusing on the Hovenring design and the Brief Dutch Design Manual for Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridges. We are also organising two extra-curricular excursions to the Hovenring and the Van Gogh bicycle path. Detailed info can be found on the Velo-City website.


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ipv Delft Highlights May 2024