company scope
Although bridges come in all shapes and sizes, our bridge designs can generally be characterized as slender, structurally efficient and appealing to the eye. They range from iconic one-off bicycle bridges to straightforward low-budget ones, and from large-scale modular designs to complete sets of bridges.
design approach
Each project has its own set of requirements dictated for instance by location, context, user profile and budget. Therefore, each project demands its own approach. However, our company design approach always includes looking at all factors at play and having an open mind towards the design brief.
future proof
There are several things that a well-suited design takes into account, even though the client might not have specifically asked for it. Maintenance costs, for instance. Or durability. It is our aim to provide a design that fits the client’s brief as well as the future. We believe a good design has a certain timeless quality, allowing it to still be perceived as a good design in forty years’ time. That’s why our bridge and infrastructure designs are sometimes innovative and often surprising but always effective.
design manual
In cooperation with CROW, the Dutch technology platform for transport, infrastructure and public space, we wrote the Brief Dutch Design Manual for Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridges. This publication illustrates our design approach and covers all things that could influence a bridge design. Though written specifically for bicycle and pedestrian bridges, it can of course be applied to road bridges too. More info on the design manual can be found here.
more information?

call Johan Büdgen:
+31 15 750 25 74

or call Ivo Mulders:
+31 15 750 25 73
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