Heidekamp Park footbridge Stein


This 76-metre long steel footbridge crosses a railway and cables track and provides access to a park packed with recreational possibilities.

To fit in with its natural surroundings, we chose a simple and elegant structure, that’s iconic yet transparent.


The bridge has a singular steel Y-shaped pylon that stands a cool 24 meters tall. The deck with its boxed steel structure is located at the heart of the Y, allowing for the deck to lie in between the pylons two legs.


Our design came complete with integrated lighting. At night, the inner side of pylons legs is illuminated, and there is tube lighting inside the railings handrail.

Not only do bridge users feel safe here at night as they can see eachother, the lighting also ensures the bridge functions as a local landmark at night as well.


size: l=76 m | h=24 m
building costs: 357.500 euro

more information?

call Johan Büdgen:
+ 31 15 750 25 74

project team

Sietse Cieraad
Adriaan Kok
Johan Büdgen

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