bridge architecture LA river
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has appointed Jacobs Engineering Group and Alta Planning + Design to deliver the LA River Bike Path Gap Closure project, one of the city’s 28 infrastructure projects to be completed before the 2028 Olympics. Dutch bridge design office ipv Delft in turn has been commissioned by Jacobs and Alta to establish the configurations and architecture for all bridge-like structures required along the new prestigious bicycle path.
bike path gap closing
The Los Angeles River Bike Path Gap Closure Project entails design and construction of a bike path along an eight-mile stretch of the Los Angeles River (River) from Elysian Valley through Downtown Los Angeles to the City of Vernon, closing the longest remaining continuous gap in the Los Angeles River Bike Path. The first phase of the project resulted in a Conceptual Design Report, which offers insight into the scope of the project, its benefits to society and contains an outline of the various options regarding bike path route and design.
design phase
The Conceptual Design Report was published in 2019. The project is currently in the environmental clearance and design phase. This means we are now working on turning the conceptual designs into preliminary designs for at least 11 bridges across the LA River and several miles of bike path. Various locations require further analysis of all the options and a decision on preferred options. This applies to river crossings as well as the bike path itself. For instance, the bike path can be an elevated structure alongside or in the channel, a top-of-bank path at-grade or cantilevered, an incised path or a bottom-of-channel path. The specific type of path and/or structure has to be carefully chosen for every section of the 8-mile path. One of the other location specific design issues is how to traverse utility towers.
connection to complete
The project will enhance mobility, provide commute options and access to employment hubs and high-quality transit lines, and provide a safer, more comfortable environment for people biking and walking. When completed, the LA River Path will offer a 32-mile continuous active transportation corridor connecting Long Beach to the San Fernando Valley. It is scheduled to break ground in 2023 and complete in 2027.
partners: Jacobs Engineering Group, Alta Planning+Design
completion: 2027 (expected)
more information?
call Ivo Mulders:
+ 31 15 750 25 73

project team
Ivo Mulders
Adriaan Kok
Wieland Wuyts
Chris Spierings
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