in memoriam

Adriaan Kok has contributed a great deal to ipv Delft. Both as designer and ambassador. Always willing to participate and bursting with creativity and out-of-the-box ideas.

mine rail bridges completed

The three mine rail bridges we designed for the Dutch town of Heerlen have been completed! These unique bridges tell the story of the local mining history and are part of the recreational cycling route called Parkstadroute, which takes cyclists on an enjoyable journey along the local gems and through the beautiful landscape of this southern part of the country.

new download: bridge construction cost reference book

Are you curious to find out how much it costs to construct a bridge? We’ve gathered construction cost data for 70 of our bridges and put them in a handy reference book, by category and in ascending order of cost.
This latest publication is now available! Download it for free by simply leaving your name and e-mail

architectural design for interchange Brussels

The SPI.R0 consortium, in which Belgian contractors Jan De Nul and Willemen Infra join forces, has been appointed as the bidder of preference for the large-scale refurbishment of the R0xA201 motorway interchange in Brussels. Within the project, we are responsible for the architectural design of all infrastructural structures, such as bridges and bicycle underpasses.

standard movable bridge design HollandseBrug, design by ipvDelft

new download: the Dutch Bridge brochure

We recently posted a new download: a brochure dedicated to our system of standardised movable bridges, The Dutch Bridge. This all-in-one solution for well-designed movable bridges significantly simplifies and speeds up both the initiation and building process, reducing building time and building costs.

latest brochure: feasibility studies

If you are interested in feasibility and/or design studies, then our latest publication might be what you are looking for: the feasibility and design studies brochure. It features several project for which we have performed such a study or quick-scan and tells you more about what to expect.

Hovenring’s 10 year anniversary

The Hovenring’s official opening was on June 29th 2012… That’s ten years ago! To commemorate that day and to celebrate the international success of the project, we’re reposting an interview with one of the designers involved: Adriaan Kok.

we’re on the Footbridge Awards shortlist!

We are very proud to announce that three of our projects have been shortlisted for the Footbridge Awards! One of them is the long span Nigtevecht bicycle bridge.


parametric design software: we love it

We’ve made a video on how we use parametric design software to optimise our designs. Curious? Come and have a look…

25 years of ipv Delft

Exactly 25 years ago today, ipv Delft was born. We have had twentyfive inspiring years, in which were able to deepen our knowledge and expertise and completed many wonderful projects.