arch bridge for Eindhoven

In order to increase traffic flow on and around both the A2 and N2 road in Eindhoven, the city council asked us to design a bicycle bridge across the motorway. We first did a feasibility and design study. This led to the final design, which is set to be built in the near future. Integrated lighting is part of the design of this slender steel bridge with a 5 meter wide two-way bicycle lane.

slender bycicle fastlane, steel support, design by ipv Deflt

all set to go: slender steel bicycle bridge

A contractor has been assigned for the construction of the 54 m bicycle bridge we designed for Beek. The bridge is part of a bicycle fast lane, which aims to offer cyclists a fast and safe route between the cities of Sittard and Maastricht. The steel bridge is very slender, which also goes for its two steel supports. For more info visit our project page.

Hovenring Cycle pylon bridge Eindhoven, bridge design by ipv Delft

touring Australia

Senior designer and project manager Adriaan Kok is currently on a tour across Australia, where he has already met local government, large engineering firms, cycling advocates and other parties involved with bicycle infrastructure in the Perth area. He is currently in Melbourne, doing the same and will then go on towards Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane.
The West Australian recently published an article, which you can read here.


bycicle roundabout Eindhoven, Hovenring, innovative bridge design by ipv Delft

meet us in Australia!

Our very own Adriaan Kok will be a speaker at the 8th Australian Small Bridges Conference in November! Check out the accepted abstracts for this interesting conference. Perhaps we will meet you there…

Hovenring Eindhoven cyclebridge, circle shaped bridge above highway, design of the bridge by ipv Delft

ipv Delft at Velo-city 2017 – June 13-16

For those interested in bicycle infrastructure and bicycle related policy and design, the international Velo-city conference is a must. Next week, the Dutch cities of Arnhem and Nijmegen are hosting Velo-city 2017. Of course, ipv Delft is there! We are hosting a CROW-session called Meet the makers, focusing on the Hovenring design and the Brief Dutch Design Manual for Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridges. We are also organising two extra-curricular excursions to the Hovenring and the Van Gogh bicycle path. Detailed info can be found on the Velo-City website.