
European Steel Desgin Award for Zwolle public transport bridge

The Zwolle public transport bridge has been awarded the Special Bridge Award at the European Steel Design Awards 2021! It is the fourth award this project has received, and for ipv Delft it’s the cherry on top of our 25-year anniversary cake. The ESDA’s are given by the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) every two years to encourage the creative and outstanding use of steel in architecture.

German engineering award

On September 24th all partners involved in the Zwolle public transport bridge project were awarded the Thüringer Staatpreis für Ingenieurleistungen 2019. The biannual German engineering award consists of 15000 euro. We designed the S-shaped bridge for Zwolle city council and Dutch railway infrastructure organisation ProRail. The awarded parties are Koninklijke BAM, Setzpfandt, ProRail, Zwolle and ipv Delft.

ipv Delft on

US based media company Forbes has picked up on our publication about the Zwolle public transport bridge. Transport and infrastructure journalist Carlton Reid wrote an interesting article on both the Zwolle bridge and various other ipv Delft projects. Outstanding free publicity for us! And a good read for anyone interested in infrastructure and bridge design.