project videos online

Want to see more of our projects? We have now added a videos page to our website. It contains all our project videos and can be found here. Enjoy!

Nigtevecht bicycle bridge in situ concrete long slopes

Nigtevecht video online

We have asked Beeldtaal film makers to capture the Nigtevecht bicycle bridge on video. The result is now online and can be watched here:

bridge design Taichung bridge, visualisation, design by ipv Delft

VeloCity 2018: meet you there!

Our very own senior designer and project leader Ivo Mulders will be speaking at the 2018 VeloCity conference in Brazil next month. The conference itself will be held from June 12th until June 15th, Ivo’s lecture is scheduled for the first day at 14:00 (Infrastructure – Small vs Big City Design). It’s a jam-packed programme, and a must for all of you involved in bicycle infrastructure. Plus, it’s a great chance to catch up or meet with Ivo…  See you there!


ipv Delft goes international

It’s official: we now have an international branch, ipv Delft international! The new branch will make it easier for us and our international clients to work together the world over. And yes, ipv Delft international is open for business, so do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in working with us on creating great-looking, well-functioning bicycle bridges or infrastructure!

bridge across railway, modern slender bridge design by ipv Delft

Waalhaven Bridge highly commended

We are very proud and pleased to tell you that our Waalhaven Bridge has been highly commended at the Footbridge Awards 2017 yesterday! Curious about this project? Check it out here.

bycicle roundabout Eindhoven, Hovenring, innovative bridge design by ipv Delft

meet us in Australia!

Our very own Adriaan Kok will be a speaker at the 8th Australian Small Bridges Conference in November! Check out the accepted abstracts for this interesting conference. Perhaps we will meet you there…

bridge across railway, modern slender bridge design by ipv Delft

two projects on shortlist Footbridge Awards!

Two of our projects have been shortlisted for the Footbridge Awards 2017: Waalhaven footbridge and the movable bridge we designed for Rijswijk. The winner will be announced on the first day of the Footbridge 2017 conference in Berlin at the beginning of September.